Baby crawling is the first effective means of mobilization of your baby. To crawl your baby first learns to stand on all six (on his hands and knees) so he can move forward and backward by pushing with his feet. As your baby develops he continues to develop his muscles in preparation to sit up and walk.
When do babies crawl, When does it start?
Most babies learn to crawl between the ages of 6-10 months, although some find other creative solutions such as belly crawl, mobilization of the bottom and feet while sitting or rolling around the room from side to side. Other babies skip the crawling stage altogether and immediately stand up and start to walk on two feet. The way your baby starts mobilization is insignificant, the main thing is that he has the ability to move and he is mobile in space which enables independent exploration of his environment.
How does crawling starts?
Most babies will start to crawl on six after they learn to sit steadily, without support, usually around the age of 7 months. At this stage your baby’s back muscles are strong enough to bear his weight when he gets on his knees and hands.
In the coming months your baby will learn to safely move from sitting to crawling on all six. Initially your baby will remain in this position or sometimes swing back and forth before actually starting to crawl.
Around the age of 9-10 months, your baby will understand that if he pushes his body with his knees he could move while he is on the all six position, and in fact set off crawling. As your baby becomes more aware to his position he could then move between crawling to a sitting position easier. Towards the age of 12 months your baby will crawl more efficiently and quickly. Some babies are even able to climb stairs while crawling.

Baby Milestones, What’s next?
In the next stage you will start seeing your baby pulling himself up, as he leans over the side of his bed, a chair or a small table, towards standing. Once your baby will feel stable and secure to stand alone without any support your baby will start exploring walking.
The Parents’ Role in Crawling
The best way you as a parent can encourage your baby to crawl is by stimulation. With a colorful toy or a colorful object stimulate your baby to crawl by placing the toy a bit further away from your baby’s hands. Your baby should have to move forward to reach it (like we did to encourage perception and grasp).
As your baby’s crawling skills gets better with time you can then set up a kind of obstacle course all over your house to develop his ability to move forward, navigate and reach farther than ever. You can build obstacle courses from pillows, soft toys and blankets; just pay attention that the areas you make are safe and steady for your baby. It is necessary to block stairs and open surfaces inside your home in order to avoid any dangerous fall, remember when your baby crawls he can get all over the house.
More baby crawling tips and videos…
Each baby is unique and has his or hers own growth rate of its own unique development. It is important to understand what your baby can do at any age, but always remember that if they do not do so yet he will do so soon when the time is right for him. Remember, babies that were born premature (preterm) tend to develop later than babies born at term.
If your baby shows no interest or desire to move forward, roll or crawl, or if at the 12 months stage has not yet learned to move his hands and feet mimicking crawling movements consult your pediatrician.
How did your baby started to crawl? Did he or she pass this milestone quickly? Did they have any difficulties? We will be happy to hear from you… Comment below.