Baby crawling exercises, stages and videos quick links:
Understanding the crawling standards.
Your baby crawling development compared to the norm.
A-Z Videos to enhance crawling.
Fun games to start and boost baby crawling.
In answering the question of when your baby will begin to crawl, there is generally a long answer and a short answer. Many parents feel a complicated frustration at the short answer: “Your baby will crawl when he or she is ready to crawl.”
The truth is, every baby is different, just as every pregnancy is different. Every child is different. But when it comes to crawling, there are multiple conditions that build up to crawling; each of these steps have several considerations and variables which can affect the age at which your baby will crawl. If you have a new baby, and you are wondering when he or she will begin to crawl, considering certain factors of your baby’s characteristics, the conditions of your baby’s birth, and which exercises your child undergoes as he or she is growing each day will all help you get a good estimate on when it will start.
Standard Crawling Ages
Many babies will start to crawl between six and ten months, though babies have been known to crawl as early as three months. The average time is somewhere around six months, and this is such for a variety of reasons. Crawling is not one solid motion, but a variety of motions put together to create the illusion of one motion.
Estimating When the Crawling is Coming: The Baby’s Beginning Foundation
Certain elements can affect the time your baby starts to crawl. While these are all things, which generally affect babies and their development, there are some that might not affect yours. Please keep this in mind as you go through the characteristics analyzed.
When it comes to crawling, there are some traits stemming from the moment of conception that will affect your baby’s ability to crawl and how fast the ability to do so will show itself. Gender is one of the traits that comes into play. Boys typically start moving and crawling earlier than girls, because they are genetically predisposed to have more muscle. Because of the added muscle, boys are also more likely to move more often and more quickly; these “practice movements” will help speed along crawling development.
Another example of how a trait can affect the length of time it takes to get your baby to crawl is size. Many babies who are born before their due date can be smaller, and that includes the size of their muscles.
Premature babies will often take longer to crawl than babies who are born after their due date, and this is largely because of caring needs and muscle development. Larger babies can also typically crawl before smaller babies; while larger babies have more weight, they are usually more able to move and build up their strength. Of course, it is important to remember there are exceptions to this, just as there are with every aspect of pregnancy and raising children.
In conjunction with this principle, another area which can help you estimate how long it will take your baby to crawl is the area of genetics and hereditary. Many families have told me that their kids were very similar to what they did as a baby. My father walked early, and my son did, too. My husband and I were both born close to two weeks after our due date; my son and daughter were both late births. My husband didn’t talk until he was close to four, while I started at two. Our son is close to three now, and he is beginning to talk. We have a nice average for that. When it comes to crawling, I did not crawl for very long, just as my daughter; we learned to crawl around seven months. My son and husband were both early crawlers and walkers. Sometimes looking at the family histories, you can get a good idea of what will happen based on what has already happened.
One of the big areas doctors look for in children is weight, and this is related to crawling as well. Making sure your baby has a healthy diet of breastmilk or formula in the growing months is a big part of helping the muscle developments in the body. An overfed baby will get tired by the onslaught of excessive calories; an underfed baby will be tired from being unable to convert the food he or she receives into energy. Your baby’s weight, in ratio to its age and height, will help you and your baby’s doctors with determining a good estimate of how long it will take them to walk.
Since crawling is a physical action, your estimation of when the child should learn to walk can be reasonably determined by the physical and objective measurements and data. With your baby, you can look at the conditions of the birth, the hereditary factors involved, and the care and diet of the baby throughout the early months of life.

Interpersonal Development
In addition to weighing in on the physical aspects of your child, you can also begin to consider the interpersonal and growing interests your children begin to show as they grow. Many babies will begin reaching for things if they are interested in them. Many parents know well the fierce pull of pride and joy as their child will reach up and touch their father or mother’s face. The same thing applies in principle to crawling. Many children who engage with toys, pets, or people will often try to seek them out as they grow. This is where physical playtime elements such as tummy time can be helpful in developing your child’s crawling muscles.
Tummy time can be started a few days after birth. Tummy time is a well-known practice by many parents and recommended by doctors. This activity is where you would lay down a blanket, and then put your baby on the blanket on the floor. The baby would need to be lying flat, on his or her belly, and you, as the parent, would be kneeling beside them. You can encourage your baby to move his head around, and begin working on having him hold it up off the ground for a few second at a time. You can also put a toy out in front of her, to get her to concentrate on something shiny, noisy, or colorful. This promotes the desire to explore and investigate. The more often you do this, allowing plenty of rest in between tummy time sessions, can affect your babies’ desires to crawl. For my children, I had a boy and then a girl. My husband worked with both on tummy time, arranging their forearms underneath their chest when they could hold their heads up. Both my kids were late births, so they were bigger babies. My son crawled at five months and my daughter began crawling at seven months. Because their father and I both worked with them, they were encouraged to crawl and they were able to crawl quickly. I know of many of my friends who have had different results, even though the practices are the same. Tummy time can encourage your child to begin to grab for things, explore new areas, and get them excited about moving around.
Another reason focusing on getting to know your child’s personality is to help strengthen your communication. When you have a baby, it is hard to remember sometimes that they come pre-packaged with a lot of their own personalities and interests, and the ability to learn and see things differently from yourself. Getting to know your baby’s interests – for example, favorite toys, special blankets, or any preferences for sleeping habits – can help you find the best way to encourage your child to begin to learn how to crawl, just as knowing their habits and preferences can help you put them to bed. My son has a special blanket with different types of fabric on it; my daughter is loves to snuggle. When my children began to crawl, it was for different reasons. My son wanted to get to his toys; my daughter wanted to me to pick her up.
Knowing what your child likes is a way to not only know him better, but it will help you when it comes to tummy time and learning to crawl. Find a way to encourage him to move his feet forward on his own, or to get her to maintain her position as you call to her.
Another thing to keep in mind is birth order. My son started crawling early, at around the end of four months, and my daughter crawled at seven months. But my daughter is also the second child. She laughs and loves her brother very much, and she was always trying to trail after him. She still does.
Reminder about standards
When your baby is working up to beginning to crawl, another question that can come up is the matter of skipping crawling. Many babies will slide around on their bottoms, roll over, or find other ways to move. Many times, children will also begin pulling themselves up or working to keep their balance when they stand up, and this can happen to the point where they do not actually want to crawl so much as walk.
In the event that you are worried a skill has not shown up on time, please consult a pediatrician about your concerns. There are some milestones which do suggest potential delays or complications; however, delayed crawling is not one of the bigger ones to worry about, should it be delayed, or even skipped over.
Baby crawling exercises tips and videos
Each infant is one-of-a-kind, with its own growth rate and stage of development. It's crucial to know what your kid can accomplish at any age, but keep in mind that if he hasn't done so yet, he will shortly when the time is appropriate. Remember that premature (preterm) newborns develop at a slower rate than full-term babies.
Consult your pediatrician if your baby exhibits no curiosity or desire to move forward, roll, or crawl, or if he has not yet learned to move his hands and feet in crawling movements at the age of 12 months.
Baby crawling tips.
- Allow plenty of tummy time for your baby.
- Encourage your child to play with his or her hands raised.
- Allow your child to play in front of the mirror.
- Toys can be used to encourage crawling.
- Remove your child from any assistive devices.
- Allow your child to explore all sides of the room.
- In a crawling position, hold your baby.
- Crawl alongside your child
baby crawling exercises videos.
- Baby Physical Therapy Exercises the Difference Between Crawling and Rolling -
- From Sitting to Crawling, How to Guide A Baby to Crawl. One-on-One with Anat -
- Baby Crawling For The First Time During A Session Watch Anat Reaction -
Games to enhance crawling
Roll a ball toward and away from your infant while sitting on the floor. This will assist him in learning how to change the direction of his crawl.
Place bubble wrap, foam packing, wrapping paper, and textiles on the floor. This will inspire your baby to crawl about and explore the various noises and sensations.
Babies are fascinated with their own reflections (aren't we all?). So, in front of your infant, put a tiny child-safe mirror. He'll attempt to reach out and grasp it, and he'll try to crawl toward it as you pull the mirror away.
Take one of his favorite toys, such as a ball or train that can roll away, and position it just out of reach. He'll be determined to crawl on all fours after the toy as it rolls away.
Play a game that is only a few minutes long. You're It, chasing your child around the home. He'll be laughing uncontrollably and crawling to get away.
While there are some legitimate concerns for milestone developments, and making sure the kids will hit their markers, the best advice for parents who are wondering about when their babies will begin to crawl is to just be supportive, encouraging, and unafraid to help work towards the milestones.
Every child is different, but it is clear there is no child quite like your own child. Crawling will come sooner than you realize.