One On One With Anat Videos
START and FINISH every day confident, focused, in control, and optimistic with your baby development.
Hi, I’m Anat Furstenberg, and I want to personally welcome you and your beautiful baby to BabyPillars. About fifteen years ago, I started my professional journey in the parenting world and along the way I have helped thousands of parents and families transform struggles and pains into happiness and smiles.
Stages of Crawling - Pre Crawling tips and exercise.
One-On-One With Anat.
How To Help My Baby To Crawl? And How To Encourage Crawling
One-On-One With Anat.
Why Does My Baby Refuses To Sleep?
One-On-One With Anat.
Your baby daily schedule - explained
One-On-One With Anat.
Baby Teething. Why Does My Baby Teeth Hurt at Night?
One-On-One With Anat.
Simple Tip For Your Baby Eating Issues.
One-On-One With Anat.
3 Month Old Baby Exercise - Baby Sides Of Body.
One-On-One With Anat.
How To Calm A Fussy And Or Crying Baby? And Relive Tension.
One-On-One With Anat.
My Baby Does Not Walk Yet What To Do?
One-On-One With Anat.
Setting Boundaries with Babies - A Different Approach To NO
One-On-One With Anat.
* Recording and sharing consent were given by the families before recording.

I take a different approach than most "experts" out there
I believe and we all know that the first months of our baby’s life are crucial for their development, they are the shaping pillars to their future. These months are the best times to give your baby the help and guidance he or she so desperately needs to shape their growth, and therefore, their future.
With so many and different "expert opinions" and so many different options on the web today you don't know what to do and where to start.
I am here to help and guide you through your baby development path every step of the way.
I give away 95% of our professional materials free.
My aim to help as many parents as I can and to make that free material better and more professional than anyone else’s paid stuff.
Here’s what parents are saying about my course

Audrey Anderson
I have reviewed some of the videos and tried them with my son, and he loves them!
I have never seen him so proud of himself!

Sima Shelly
My baby was diagnosed with mild torticollis 2 months ago. I went online to find some info and got to your site, and it was a god sent!!
He is now almost cured and gained almost 100% of his neck and head motor abilities and it is mainly because of your videos...
...When I was at my pediatrician appointment last week he was shocked of the transformation and asked to see your website.

Kristy Sharrow
BabyPillars is a fantastic place to learn about baby development. As a kindergarten teacher and a mommy of 3 I can honestly say that the tutorials gave me a lot of insight and information regarding the development of my little one.

Abby B.
I believe that your exercises are perfectly composed. I like that you approach the child's development as a whole and that - unlike other websites on similar topics - you give specific, practical tips on supporting the child's development. The format of your video tutorials is very accessible.

Suzan Artin
The one on one sessions with Anat have been incredible; her advice is so much more impactful and qualified than any of the baby activity apps or websites out there. She’s able to observe my baby’s movements and make recommendations to help him with anything he’s frustrated about.
Typically after practicing these recommendations for a day, I’ll see a change in his behavior the next day.
The video courses have also been really useful for filling his playtime with fun and developmental appropriate activities.

July D. Mier
I The best thing I got from this course is the sense that I am not alone anymore. I now have a go to place for my parenting issues. Thank you so much Anat.

Sima Lenoro
I had bought this course within minutes of seeing the first video … Parents, buy this course. It's like those great books which we keep going back to years later to seek counsel. You will be glad you did it.

Maria Martins
I found some of your video tutorials on YouTube when my son was 5 months old. He was lying on his stomach and was very frustrated because he couldn't move forward. After just a few days of doing your exercises he began to move around his own axis and shortly thereafter began to crawl on his stomach.
As for the session with Anat, she was well prepared for it - she knew my son's problems and conditions. Anat gave me very specific advice on how to deal with my son's sleeping problems. She answered all my questions and concerns. Anat had a personal approach - she tried to find out what was causing the sleeping problems specifically in our case and helped me take a new and different approach.

Pamela Grace Miles
My son too had severe torticollis and developed a flat spot. We had to do a helmet for about 6 weeks but there was no significant change. Physical therapy helped but not nearly enough & they were worried about it affecting his eye sight in the future. Then we started this course and had some private sessions with Anat - it was amazing and a complete different approach to what we were used to. Fast forward a few months & he even runs around looking straight up at the ceiling, something I never thought we’d see.