Welcome to The Complete Baby Development Course For Today’s Working Parent

Before you know it, your baby will change from being a helpless individual to a walking toddler. This amazing journey depends on muscle development and the growth of the brain pathways that become increasingly specialized in movement control in the first year.

Hi, I’m Anat Furstenberg and as an expert in early child development I have set myself on a mission of helping as many working parents as I can to deal with the ongoing challenges of modern day parenting.

You will never feel alone in your parenting because I'll be right there with you! Together we will tackle sleeping issues, developmental paths, motor and communication skills and much more.

In this unique course, I have divided each module into what you should expect your baby to be doing at his/her current age and the ways that you can help them to achieve their essential milestones. You’ll do this together with me in our video-on-demand classes, live sessions and private parenting sessions.


You’re here because you take your parenting seriously.

Fill out our short questionnaire and start today!


Online Module 1: 0-3 Months

Your new baby is home and what a dramatic change there is in your lives. Whether it’s your first baby or you’re welcoming a new brother or sister, it’s never how you envisioned it to be.

In this video we focus on:

  • Comfortable holding positions
  • Crying
  • Stomach aches / gas
  • Tummy time
  • Lifting the head
  • Communication with your baby and so much more!

This module is the basis for reaching the next milestones such as:

  • Rolling over
  • Eye contact
  • Focusing eyesight and more. 

1,833 ratings

Regular price: $39 | BabyPillars Subscribers: Free


Online Module 2: 3-6 Months

Your baby is turning into a little person with a personality that shines right through!

So many changes are happening now!

  • Developing eye contact and focus
  • Improved and better established balance
  • Rolling over from back to stomach, and from stomach to back
  • Laughter
  • Grabbing independently and so much more!

Together, we will work on changing the womb-like environment which we helped simulate during his transition from the womb to the world. He is beginning to lose his basic primitive reflexes and we will help him to attain the next secure transition so that he may continue to develop voluntary reflexes such as balance, gripping and independent movement.

2,258 ratings

Regular price: $39 | BabyPillars Subscribers: Free


Online Module 3: 6-9 Months

Ever been teased by a 6 month old? Yes, she’s throwing things and making noise in order to get your attention. Things sure are interesting.

At this stage of your baby’s life, she is beginning to understand that she has the ability to reach an object that is close to her through making eye contact, reaching out her hand and rolling over.
In these videos I will provide you with guidance in dealing with the change that your baby goes through with the start of independent movement forward, and the ability to move in her space.
I’ll also make sure you have the tools to carry out different exercises that focus on development of balance and proper crawling.
Buckle up! Things are moving fast.

1,421 ratings

Regular price: $39 | BabyPillars Subscribers: Free


Online Module 4: 9-12 Months

It’s amazing just how quickly a crawling baby can get away!

In this module we focus on topics such as:

  • Independent transition to sitting
  • Continuing development of balance
  • Confidence to independently transition to standing
  • Confidence in standing, and more.

So, by now, your baby can crawl on his belly and on his hands and knees. As he rises and crawls on his hands and knees, he begins to move towards independent sitting. Here, for the first time, he must use a narrower surface for balance, and he must learn to balance himself through his upper body. At this stage of sitting, your baby’s balance system and his ability to balance towards his body’s center becomes crucial. It allows him to detach his hands from the floor, and implement his fine motor skills more explicitly with clapping, eating independently, drawing, and more. You will begin to see your baby’s first attempts to stand up on both feet while leaning on a stationary object.

1,777 ratings

Regular price: $39 | BabyPillars Subscribers: Free


Online Module 5: 12-24 Months

Your baby is becoming an “independent” toddler!

In this module I provide you with practical tools to create a base for skills such as:

  • Independence
  • Motor
  • Cognitive
  • Social
  • Emotional

By practicing different activities with your baby that focus on independent movement in space, problem solving and coping with new obstacles, he
will develop a sense of spatial awareness along with improving walking, and developing attention and concentration.

678 ratings

Regular price: $39 | BabyPillars Subscribers: Free


Online Module 6: 0-36 Months Sleep Plan

Special Premium Module

A simple program for sleep that delivers results. If you’ve ever been sleep deprived due to a fussy baby (and who hasn’t), you’ll love this module!

This method is for babies aged two weeks to two years.

Lessons include:

  • Sleeping independently
  • PLUS Solutions to common problems, such as:
  • Waking up too early,
  • Getting a second wind before bedtime
  • Confusing day and night, and more

Whether you are a first-time parent, or parents who seek a different path with your second or third child, anyone can benefit from this special sleep plan.

The method is simple, foolproof, and yields long-lasting results and gives your child a head start on cognitive development, emotional intelligence and consistent nighttime sleep, and we all know that that is as beneficial for parents as it is for the baby.

951 ratings

Regular price: $49 | BabyPillars Subscribers: Free


SPECIAL BabyPillars Bonuses:

Online Module 7: 0-4 Years Bonuses

Premium Module

Milestones: What To Expect for Your 0-24 Month Old Baby Downloadable e-Book

Track and test your baby’s mastery of relevant milestones against his developmental growth by age.

divided into 6 age categories:

  • 0-3 Months 
  • 3-6 Months
  • 6-9 Months
  • 9-12 Months
  • 12-24 Months
  • 24+ Months

Breast Feeding Secrets: The Ultimate Guide To Breastfeeding Your Newborn by Suzan B. Dorand.

Downloadable e-Book

Breastfeeding should be a joyful, natural and richly fulfilling experience for both you and your baby and yet, so often, it isn’t. Allow us to help you to attain that.

From Birth To 8 Months, A Daily Routine To Help You Navigate The Parenting World

Downloadable Paper

Routines for Babies 0-7 months of age

Getting your baby into a steady daily routine from the first months will make life easier for you and your entire family.

Sleep * Eat * Play *Sleep* Eat * Play *Sleep... is the core structure of your baby's day by day routine.

Routines change as your baby grows and develops and in this paper you will find a daily routine for your baby:

  • How much does your baby need to sleep a day?
  • When should he eat?
  • When should he play?
  • Etc.

From 8 Months To 36 Months, A Daily Routine To Help You Navigate The Parenting World

Downloadable Paper

Routines for Babies 8-36 months of age

Getting your baby into a steady daily routine from the first months will make life easier for you and your entire family.
Sleep * Eat * Play *Sleep* Eat * Play *Sleep... is the core structure of your baby's day by day routine.

Routines change as your baby grows and develops and in this paper you will find a daily routine for your baby:

  • How much does your baby need to sleep a day?
  • When should he eat?
  • When should he play?
  • etc.

From Zero To Hero - The Sleep Plan


Award Winning Downloadable e-Book

  • How do I take my baby to sleep?
  • How long should my baby sleep?
  • How do I teach my baby to sleep the night through?
  • and much, much more

This book has all the answers not only about sleeping but also about your child’s daily routine and how this affects sleep. Understanding cause and effect will have your baby going to sleep peacefully and sleeping through the night in no time.

This download is part of the BabyPillars 0-36 months sleep plan course.

Parenting Version 3.0: The Ultimate Playbook For Parents In The 21st Century

Downloadable e-Book

Parenting Version 3.0 offers you valuable ideas, suggestions and methods to be a successful parent every day of your life. This book will show you why strict and permissive parenting does not work but most importantly it will show you what really does work. You will learn just how easy it is to embrace a positive parenting style for you and your children.

  • Learn step by step how to give your children a brighter future
  • How to create confident, successful, better students
  • How you can give them the strength and the tools to fight against failure
  • Create a home full of peace and love for the whole family
  • Parent your children for the future!


I wish I had found your site sooner. I would recommend it to all parents who have any problems with their small children or just want to support their children's development.”

I have learned a lot from this little quiz in regards to my baby's day by day development. It is amazing! I highly recommend taking this quiz.

I have reviewed some of the videos and tried them with my son, and he loves them!
I have never seen him so proud of himself!

I believe that your exercises are perfectly composed. I like that you approach the child's development as a whole and that - unlike other websites on similar topics - you give specific, practical tips on supporting the child's development. The format of your video tutorials is very accessible.