Give Your Baby The Best Start For Life!

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Your Baby Girl Is On Her Way To Achieve Her Full Development Potential!

12-24 Months Development

In the age range of 12 to 24 months, we expect that our kids will begin to walk confidently. Up until the age of 1 and a half your baby should begin to walk, and she therefore needs a challenging environment, along with various obstacles that require her to acquire new skills and better walking habits. Through this your baby will fully develop the quality of her movement and senses.

What to expect?

This next phase of your baby’s development brings about many new skills and abilities. Your baby can now sit, stand up, and may even be able to take her first steps. Her balance system is continuing to develop, and it’s capabilities are now more significant than ever. In order for your baby to acquire correct movement habits for independent and secure walking, you must continue to guide and teach your child in these crucial developmental stages.

In the age range of 12 to 24 months, we expect that our kids will begin to walk confidently. Up until the age of 1 and a half your baby should begin to walk, and she therefore needs a challenging environment, along with various obstacles that require her to acquire new skills and better walking habits. Through this your baby will fully develop the quality of her movement and senses.

The more movement your child experiences in infancy, the better and faster her language will develop. It is important to remember that the more motorically independent your baby is, the more independent she will be in terms of behavior and openness to new experiences and challenges. Another important point is the significant use of your toddler’s fine motor skills: learning to eat independently, play, draw, etc.) and this development derives from a successful and safe movement in space.

Often we see toddlers that do not walk, and instead immediately begin to run – skipping the walking stage. The cause for this is usually found in an underdeveloped balance system. It is important that we notice and and develop the balance system thoroughly to ensure proper development.

Where Should You Focus?

When your baby reaches the 12-24 month stage we suggest that you focus with your baby on:

  • Provide your baby confidence in dealing with challenges and confrontations.
  • Focus on developing attention and concentration with your baby. - Important!
  • Teach your baby how to start and master problem solving and dealing with obstacles in space.
  • Develop your baby spatial orientation, balance and symmetrical movement for proper future developmnet. - Important!
  • Continue focusing with your baby on her walking and movement in space.

Track Your Baby Growth

Track your baby growth according to the World Health Organization. (Click image to enlarge).

By 24 Months Your Baby Should:

  • Build a tower of three building blocks.
  • Say at least 7-10 words.
  • Stand alone, without assistance, for a moment.
  • Walk without any help.
  • Go up the stairs with help.
  • Identify at least one part of the body.
  • Point to familiar objects.
  • Say 20 different words.
  • Point to what he or she wants.
  • Eats with a spoon.
  • Uses more gestures than just waving and pointing.
  • Looks at your face to see how to react in a new situation.

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