Give Your Baby The Best Start For Life!
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Give Your Baby The Best Start For Life!
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Step #3
By taking this assessment, you've taken the first step towards understanding and enhancing your baby's early sensory development. Below, you'll find detailed feedback on your child's development, milestones, playtime activities, and sensory stimulation. Dive in to uncover valuable insights that will help you nurture your tiny tot's growth and well-being.
Great job! Your baby is hitting milestones consistently. Continue to provide them with opportunities to practice new skills and explore the world around them.
Now that your baby received the best possible conditions for a smooth and successful transition from the womb to the world in her first three months, we can continue to guide your baby in the next developmental stages.
In previous stages, your baby built confidence and the ability to lay on her stomach. she became familiar with each side of her body, activated all of his primitive reflexes, and gained abilities in touch, movement, new experiences, and more.
Your child is progressing well in terms of development. To further enhance their skills, try incorporating more interactive games and activities into their daily routine. Try to introduce more textures, sounds, and visuals into their environment to enhance their sensory experiences.
In the ages of 3 to 6 months, you will watch your baby improve her eye contact and focus. She will improve and better establish her balance system, rolling over from her back to her stomach, and from her stomach to her back.
She will laugh, grab onto objects independently and so much more!In this stage of your baby’s life, we will work on abandoning the womb-like environment which we helped simulate during her transition from the womb to the world, and we will provide her with the next secure transition to continue coping with gravity, and independent movement in space.
Each baby develops at his own rhythm and pace, and it’s important that we, as parents help our children pave their own path, and encourage them to overcome each stage of development to fulfill their full developmental potential.
Each stage is built off of the last, and we must continue to establish a proper base that will guide your baby as he moves on his developmental path.
You're doing well with providing engaging playtime activities for your baby. To enhance their experience, provide them with opportunities to practice new skills and explore the world, try incorporating more sensory-rich experiences into their play sessions.